Blog Post

Expert Panels at Work

We currently have five projects on the go, with two report releases planned for this summer. The recent ISED Call for Proposals for CCA assessment topics is now closed. The list of assessment topics will be finalized throughout the summer and fall for anticipated start dates beginning in April 2020.

The ISED process is one of two ways the CCA undertakes assessments. The CCA also accepts topic submissions from outside of the ISED funding agreement at any time. Proposals can come from federal, provincial, or municipal governments as well as non-governmental, and other organizations. These assessments are funded by the requesting organizations. Learn more about our process and how to work with us here.

Climate Change Risks and Adaptation Potential

The report is currently in production and will be released in July.

Leading Practices for Evaluating Proposals for Science and Technology Infrastructure Investments

After a workshop in late March, the Expert Panel continued to develop the report structure and content. The report recently completed the peer review process and is now entering production. The final report will be released this summer.

The Potential Socio-economic Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance in Canada

The Expert Panel met for the fifth and final time in Ottawa from April 16 to 17 where they addressed peer review comments and worked to finalize the report. The Panel will meet via teleconference to sign off on the final draft of the report in June before it enters publication. The report is expected to be released in November 2019.

The Labour Market Transition of PhD Graduates

The Expert Panel, chaired by Elizabeth Cannon, FRSC, FCAE, met for the first time May 13 to 14 in Ottawa. Panel members heard from the sponsor, reached a common understanding of the question and project scope, and decided on next steps. Over the coming months, the Panel will guide CCA staff in the evidence gathering process. The next panel meeting will take place in July.

Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility

Stay tuned! The Expert Panel on Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility will be announced in the coming days with a first panel meeting planned for June 17.

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