Kelly Loverock is the Website and Communication Specialist at the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA).
Kelly manages the CCA’s online presence, including its website and social media platforms. Prior to joining the CCA in 2010, Kelly was the Web Coordinator and Kids Content Creator at Earth Rangers, a charitable organization that partners with children to protect natural habitats and species across Canada. Kelly wrote web content and science-based, educational articles for children. She also wrote and edited content for the organization’s newsletters, print, and other promotional material.
She spent some time abroad, working for the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) in Montevideo, Uruguay in 2007/2008. As the Communications Associate, she focused on improving APC’s media outreach strategy and wrote for the newsletter and website. Kelly has also worked for the Canadian environmental magazine Alternatives Journal, and held various positions at Environment Canada. She holds a Master of Arts in Journalism from the University of Western Ontario and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Honours Environmental and Resource Studies (with an interdisciplinary in legal studies) from the University of Waterloo.