Bing Chen

Bing Chen

Professor of Civil Engineering, UArctic Chair in Marine and Coastal Environmental Engineering, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland (St. John’s, NL)

Dr. Bing Chen is a Professor of Civil Engineering, UArctic Chair in Marine and Coastal Environmental Engineering, Director of the Northern Region Persistent Organic Pollution Control (NRPOP) Lab, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He also serves as the founding Director of a global Network on Persistent, Emerging and Organic PoLlution in the Environment (PEOPLE). He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), and the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), and a Member of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts (EASA) and a former member of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) College. He is currently the President of CSCE.

He is an internationally recognized leader in environmental engineering, particularly in emerging contaminants modelling and mitigation, advanced water and wastewater treatment, oil/chemical spill response, marine and coastal pollution mitigation, and AI-aided decision-making, with emphases on climate change and harsh environmental conditions. He has co-authored 550+ publications, eight patents/disclosures, and trained over 100 thesis-based graduate students and postdocs. He has also served as Affiliated Faculty with the University of California Berkeley, Vice-President of the Canadian Association on Water Quality (CAWQ), Vice-President of the Avalon Chapter of Sigma Xi, Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Systems Research and Associate Editor and board member of over ten refereed journals, etc. As a registered Professional Engineer in Canada, he has provided advisory services to government, industry, NGOs, and communities globally.

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