
We Inform Decision-Making With Evidence.

Convene Experts

Convene Experts

We convene the best experts in their respective fields to assess the evidence on complex scientific topics of public interest, to inform decision-making in Canada. Assessments are conducted by multidisciplinary and multisectoral panels of experts from across Canada and abroad who volunteer their time and lend their expertise and knowledge to the CCA.

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Assess Evidence

The overarching goal of CCA assessments is to evaluate the best available evidence on particularly complex issues where the science may be challenging to understand, contradictory, or difficult to assemble. Every project undertaken at the CCA is guided by a professional staff and is completed through in-person meetings, teleconferences, and many hours of research. This work is completed in-camera to ensure the highest integrity and objectivity of the work.

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Inform Decisions

CCA reports provide government decision-makers as well as researchers and stakeholders, with high-quality information and evidence to develop informed and innovative public policy. Upon publication, all CCA reports are made available to the public free of charge in English and French.

Expert Panel Selection

The CCA follows a rigorous process and methodology for all of its assessments, including the panel selection process. This includes considering the types of knowledge and expertise needed; ensuring that gender, regional diversity and other factors are appropriately considered; identifying individuals who satisfy those criteria, and formally inviting them to participate. The process is guided by the CCA’s Scientific Advisory Committee. All expert panels are approved by the CCA’s Board of Directors.

Work with us!

Projects can be referred to the CCA (or “sponsored”) by foundations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, or any level of government. Interested in proposing a project to the CCA? Contact us at


Evidence at the CCA

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