Blog Post

ISED launches call for CCA assessment topics

The CCA is delighted to announce that Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has released a new Call for Proposals for Assessments by the Council of Canadian Academies. This government-wide call for proposals will identify up to four assessment topics the CCA will tackle, starting in April 2020. This is the 15th Call for Proposals since the CCA was established in 2005, and is a recognized method for federal departments and agencies to identify topics that are best addressed by CCA’s evidence-based expert panel approach. To date the CCA has completed close to 50 assessments.

The deadline for government departments to send their assessment topic ideas to ISED is April 24, 2019. Information about the submission and selection process can be found in the Guidance Document. All eligible submissions will be evaluated for their feasibility, relevance, scientific merit, and potential impact.

The list of assessment topics will be finalized throughout summer and fall of 2019 for anticipated start dates beginning in April 2020.

The ISED process is one of two ways the CCA undertakes assessments. The CCA also accepts topic submissions from outside of the ISED funding agreement at any time. Proposals can come from federal, provincial, or municipal governments as well as non-governmental organizations. These assessments are funded by the requesting organizations.

For information on the CCA assessment process or working with the CCA, please contact:

Tijs Creutzberg, PhD
613-567-5000 ext. 232

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