Wendy Ungar

Wendy Ungar

Health Economist and Senior Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences, Hospital for Sick Children; Associate Professor, Institute for Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto (Toronto, ON)

September 18, 2014

Wendy Ungar is a Senior Scientist within Child Health Evaluative Sciences at The Hospital for Sick Children. She is also an Associate Professor in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, and an Adjunct Scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. Dr. Ungar is the University of Toronto Program Director for the International Masters in Health Technology Assessment and Management (Ulysses program).

Dr. Ungar received her PhD from the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto, an M.Sc. in Pharmacology and Therapeutics from McGill University in Montreal and a BA from Brandeis University in Boston.

Dr. Ungar investigates the application of health economic methods to the pediatric population. Dr. Ungar also studies the relationship between policies governing access to prescription medicines and health outcomes in children. In 2007, Dr. Ungar started TASK (Technology Assessment at SickKids), a health technology assessment (HTA) unit focusing on technology assessment of pediatric health interventions. Dr. Ungar and her research team created and maintain the PEDE database, a popular on-line health technology assessment tool for examining health economic evidence in children.

Her research interests include pediatric economic evaluation methods research, pharmaceutical policy and health outcomes in children with asthma, the economic burden of chronic pediatric conditions, the cost-effectiveness of interventions and programs for children, and parent and child preferences for treatment attributes. Dr. Ungar has been awarded a Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator Career Award. In 2010, Dr. Ungar’s book, Economic Evaluation in Child Health, was published by Oxford University Press.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Improving Medicines for Children in Canada (September 2014)
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