Trevor Heaver

Trevor Heaver

Professor Emeritus, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC)

May 25, 2017

Trevor Heaver is Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia where he also served as past Director of the Centre for Transportation Studies. He is a founding member and a past-President of the International Association of Maritime Economists, and a past-Chairman of the World Conference on Transport Research. He has published widely on transportation, logistics and transportation policy.

Dr. Heaver’s current research interests focus on issues related to liner shipping, international logistics, and intermodal transport, which he has examined in Belgium and Australia as well as North America.

Dr. Heaver has served on various advisory committees for government and industry, including the Federal Task Force on Deep Sea Shipping Policy, the federal Transportation Services’ Sectoral Advisory Group on International Trade, and the Multi-Modal Council of the Transportation Association of Canada. In 2007, Dr. Heaver served as a member of the Advisory Committee on the St. Lawrence Seaway, which produced the report The St. Lawrence Seaway: Options to Eliminate Introduction of Nonindigenous Species into the Great Lakes. In 2015, Dr. Heaver received the Onassis Prize for Shipping in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the study of shipping.

Role: Panel Member
Report: The Value of Commercial Marine Shipping to Canada (May 2017)
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