Susan Holt

Susan Holt

President and CEO, New Brunswick Business Council (Fredericton, NB)

April 30, 2015

Susan Holt is the President and CEO of the New Brunswick Business Council, a unique group of 26 CEOs from the province’s largest and most successful businesses. She leads these titans of industry to help build a more competitive and growing economy in New Brunswick. The Council also works with New Brunswick entrepreneurs to support their growth and export ambitions, while also working closely with various leaders in the public service to support strong dialogue, information sharing, and evidence-based policy development.

Prior to this challenging role, Ms. Holt led the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, where she elevated the organization to become the go-to voice for business issues in the province. She made the jump from the private sector to the non-profit sector after more than a decade of working around the world, from Toronto and Ottawa to Australia and India, for well-known technology leaders such as Xerox, Manpower, HP, Cognos/IBM, and Research In Motion in sales, human resources, and management roles.

In 2010, Ms. Holt was recognized as one of Atlantic Canada’s Top 50 Emerging Leaders, and exercises her passion for STEM outreach for youth as a board director for Actua, a national non-profit. She is also on the boards of 21inc, Propel ICT, the New Brunswick Lung Association, the Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI), and the Fredericton Playhouse.

Ms. Holt holds a B.Sc. in Chemistry and a BA (Honours) in Economics from Queen’s University.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Some Assembly Required: STEM Skills and Canada's Economic Productivity (April 2015)
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