Steve Holysh

Steve Holysh

Senior Hydrogeologist, Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition (Toronto, ON)

May 11, 2009

Steve Holysh is Senior Hydrogeologist at the Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition (CAMC).

Prior to his current position, Mr. Holysh worked with Gartner Lee Limited undertaking groundwater investigations related to landfill sites, development proposals, and water taking issues. He has also worked with the Planning Department at the Regional Municipality of Halton to develop and oversee the Region’s Aquifer Management Plan and is past President of the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists.

Since joining CAMC, Mr. Holysh has continued in a groundwater resource management role and is currently leading a multi-agency partnership that is focused on establishing a sound understanding of the regional geology and groundwater flow system across the Oak Ridges Moraine area. The program is providing a continually updated groundwater analysis system (database, geological model, numerical groundwater flow model) that is being used in land-use decision making to manage and protect the Moraine’s groundwater resources.

Role: Panel Member
Report: The Sustainable Management of Groundwater in Canada (May 2009)
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