Robert Gordon

Robert Gordon

Professor and Director of the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, BC)

October 15, 2013

Dr. Robert Gordon is a Professor of Criminology and Director of the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University. He is Director of the International Cyber-Crime Research Centre and a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Forensic Research. He is an Associate Member of the Department of Gerontology at Simon Fraser University, Chair of the Gerontology Research Centre Advisory Committee, and a Distinguished Fellow of the Canadian Centre for Elder Law at the University of British Columbia.

Dr. Gordon has been a consultant to provincial and territorial governments on matters relating to adult guardianship, adult protection and mental health law, and has served on advisory boards and panels on law reform in his areas of expertise. Until recently he was a member of the Advisory Board for the Budapest-based East European Adults Guardianship Law Project. He is the author of numerous books, book chapters, professional journal articles and official reports on youth crime and youth gangs, adult guardianship law, adult protection law, health law, the abuse and neglect of the elderly, and restorative justice. He is a member of several professional associations including the American Society of Criminology, and the Western Society of Criminology.

Role: Panel Member
Report: The Health Effects of Conducted Energy Weapons (October 2013)
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