Robert Gillham

Robert Gillham, C.M., FRSC

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON)

May 11, 2009

Robert Gillham is Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences and Member of the Waterloo Institute for Groundwater Research. He is also NSERC Chair of Groundwater Monitoring and Organic Contaminant Remediation.

Dr. Gillham is a member of the American Chemical Society; the American Goephysical Union and the National Groundwater Association. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a member of the Order of Canada, and an Honourary Fellow of the Nigerian Association of Hydrologists. Dr. Gillham is also the recipient of the 2002 Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal for outstanding service to Canada and the The Royal Society of Canada, 1996 Miroslaw Romanowski Medal (with J.A. Cherry) “for significant contributions to the resolution of scientific aspects of environmental problems.”

Dr. Gillham’s major area of research concerns the transport of contaminants in soils and groundwater, with a particular emphasis on reactive solutes. His recent research has focused on groundwater remediation, with a particular emphasis on the use of granular iron for degradation of halogenated organic contaminants.

Role: Panel Member
Report: The Sustainable Management of Groundwater in Canada (May 2009)
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