Rob de Loë

Rob de Loë

University Research Chair, Water Policy and Governance, University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON)

February 26, 2013

Rob de Loë holds the University Research Chair in Water Policy and Governance at the University of Waterloo, and is Director of the multi-university Water Policy and Governance Group. Previously, Dr. de Loë held the Canada Research Chair in Water Management at the University of Guelph.

During the past two decades, Dr. de Loë has studied and written extensively about water security and related concerns such as water allocation, source water protection, and climate change adaption. He draws on his academic work to communicate the importance of water to audiences such as school children, the general public, academies, and leaders in business and government. Dr. de Loë’s advice on water policy and governance concerns is often sought by governance and non-government organizations.

In January 2008, Dr. de Loë was named Chair of the Advisory Panel for the Royal Bank of Canada’s Blue Water project, a $50 million, 10-year charitable grant program to support fresh water conversation, protection and accessibility. In recognition of his contributions to graduate education, he was awarded the 2010 Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision at the University of Waterloo.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Water and Agriculture in Canada: Towards Sustainable Management of Water Resources (February 2013)
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