Paul Boothe

Paul Boothe, C.M.

Professor and Director, Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management, Ivey Business School, Western University (London, ON)

October 16, 2014

Paul Boothe was appointed Professor and Director of the Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management at Western University’s Richard Ivey School of Business in September 2012. His career has included university research and teaching, acting as an independent consultant to Canadian and international organizations, and serving at the deputy minister level in provincial and federal governments.

Dr. Boothe’s public sector career includes serving as the Deputy Minister of Finance and Secretary to Treasury Board for Saskatchewan (1999 to 2001), Associate Deputy Minister of Finance and G7 Deputy for Canada (2004 to 2005), Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Industry (2007 to 2010), and Deputy Minister of the Environment (2010 to 2012).

Dr. Boothe was appointed to the faculty of the University of Alberta from 1984 to 2007 and has authored more than 70 publications in the areas of macroeconomics, international finance, debt management, and public finance.

Dr. Boothe received his Honours BA in Economics from Western University and his PhD in Economics from the University of British Columbia.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Energy Prices and Business Decision-Making in Canada: Preparing for the Energy Future (October 2014)
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