Mona Gupta

Associate Professor and Psychiatrist, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) (Montréal, QC)

April 27, 2017

Mona Gupta MD, C.M., FRCPC, PhD is a psychiatrist and researcher at the Centre l’Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal. She is also Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Montréal. She received her medical degree from McGill University and completed her residency and fellowship training in psychiatry at the University of Toronto where she also did her PhD in bioethics. Her broad area of academic interest is the intersection of ethics and epistemology in psychiatry. Her research monograph on ethics and evidence-based psychiatry was published by Oxford University Press in 2014. Dr. Gupta is actively engaged in the bioethics community as a member of the editorial committees of Bioéthique Online and the Journal of Ethics and Mental Health, Senior Editor of the journal Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, and as Chair of the RCPSC Bioethics Committee. Dr Gupta and her research group have been collaborating with the Collège des Médecins du Québec to better understand the meaning of psychological suffering as an eligibility criterion for medical aid in dying as it appears in Québec’s Act respecting end-of-life care.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Medical Assistance in Dying (December 2018)
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