Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams

Associate Professor, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS)

October 16, 2014

Michelle Adams is an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University’s School of Resource and Environmental Studies, a professional engineer and a former naval officer. She is also the former Director of Dalhousie’s Eco-Efficiency Centre (2008-2012), an internationally recognized research and education organization that supports sustainable business practice and improved environmental performance.

Dr. Adams’s research focusses on an interdisciplinary understanding of the policies, strategies, and technologies needed to improve the long-term sustainability of businesses, industrial operations and the societies they intersect. Her research interests also include a focus on knowledge transfer strategies that can improve the integration of green technologies, resource efficiency, renewable energy, and related concepts into standard practice.

Dr. Adams co-authored the “Nova Scotia Renewable Energy Strategy” report, which provided the foundations for the “Renewable Electricity Plan” announced in April, 2010 by the Nova Scotia government. She is currently a co-investigator on a large CIDA-funded grant focussed on knowledge transfer and capacity development within the areas of food and energy security with the eastern provinces of Cuba.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Energy Prices and Business Decision-Making in Canada: Preparing for the Energy Future (October 2014)
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