Lorne Hepworth

President, CropLife Canada (Ottawa, ON)

February 26, 2013

As President of CropLife Canada (formerly Crop Protection Institute of Canada) since 1997, and past Vice-President, Dr. Hepworth is the chief spokesperson responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of the organization. He is a member of the Canadian Agri-Food Research Council; has served on the federal government’s Pest Management Advisory Committee and National Biotechnology Advisory Committee; and chaired CropLife International’s Stewardship and Sustainable Agriculture Committee. A graduate of Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Hepworth was a veterinarian in Alberta and Saskatchewan until 1982, when he was elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for the Constituency of Weyburn, Saskatchewan. He served nine years in the Saskatchewan Cabinet, holding portfolios for Agriculture, Education, Finance, Energy, and Mines. Dr. Hepworth maintains a grain farm near Assiniboia, Saskatchewan — and a commitment to stewardship and industry partnerships.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Water and Agriculture in Canada: Towards Sustainable Management of Water Resources (February 2013)
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