Kirstie E.M. Simpson

Kirstie E.M. Simpson

Retired Senior Adviser Sustainable and Integrated Resource Management, Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Government (Whitehorse, YT)

February 10, 2017

Kirstie Simpson was a research scientist with the Yukon Government. She has 30 years of northern and Arctic experience as a scientist in the fields of resource management, environmental monitoring, environmental assessment, and regulatory permitting, as well as research related to ecological responses to oil and gas exploration in both the marine and terrestrial environments. She has worked in a number of capacities in relation to Beaufort, Mackenzie Delta, Arctic Islands and Yukon Oil and Gas exploration and development and is currently designing an Integrated Landscape Best Management Practices Model for industrial development in the Yukon.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Toward Integrated Natural Resource Management in Canada (April 2019)
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