Kevin Outterson

Kevin Outterson

Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Law, Boston University; Executive Director and Principal Investigator, CARB-X (Boston, MA)

May 31, 2022

Kevin Outterson teaches healthcare law at Boston University, where he co-directs the Health Law Program. He serves as the founding Executive Director and Principal Investigator for CARB-X, a $480M international public-private partnership to accelerate global antibacterial innovation. Key partners in CARB-X include the US Government (BARDA and NIAID), the Wellcome Trust, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the UK Government (GAMRIF), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Professor Outterson’s research work focuses on the law and economics of antimicrobial resistance. He served as a senior author on many key research reports on antibiotic innovation, including Chatham House, ERG, DRIVE-AB, and the Lancet Commission. Professor Outterson was given the 2015 Leadership Award by the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics for his research and advocacy work. He has testified before Congress, Parliamentary working groups, the World Health Organisation, and state legislatures. Since August 2016, he has led CARB-X, the world’s largest and most innovative antibiotic accelerator.

Role: Panel member
Report: Overcoming Resistance (2023)
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