Karen Bartlett

Karen Bartlett

Associate Professor, School of Environmental Health, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC)

December 19, 2007

Karen H. Bartlett is a Professor in the School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene at the University of British Columbia.

As a microbiologist whose research interests include workplace and community exposures to bioaersols, Dr. Bartlett’s current research projects include: defining the environmental niche of Cryptococcus gattii, the emergent causative organism of cryptococcosis on Vancouver Island, British Columbia; worker exposure and control of bioaerosols in composting facilities; antigen exposure and respiratory symptoms in occupants of First Nations housing; evaluation of indoor air quality in sustainable (green) office buildings; efficacy of slow sand filtration for individual water purification units in Nicaragua, and contribution of biofilms to pathogen loading in agricultural water sources.

Dr. Bartlett holds a Masters of Science in Occupational Hygiene, a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of British Columbia and completed her post doctoral fellowship in Inhalation Toxicology at the University of Iowa. Dr. Bartlett is co-author of a report funded by the Change Foundation, Protecting the Faces of Healthcare Workers, a review of respiratory protection arising from the SARS outbreak in Ontario.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Influenza Transmission and the Role of Personal Protective Respiratory Equipment: An Assessment of the Evidence (December 2007)
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