John M. Fairbrother

John M. Fairbrother, FCAHS

Professor, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal; Lead of the OIE Reference Laboratory for Escherichia coli (Montréal, QC)

September 22, 2011

John M. Fairbrother is a professor in the Department of Pathology and Microbiology of the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire at Université de Montréal and leads the OIE Reference Laboratory for E. coli. Dr. Fairbrother is world renowned for his expertise in the field of swine pathogenic bacteriology. He graduated in veterinary medicine from the University of Sydney, Australia, and in veterinary microbiology from Cornell University, USA. He joined the Université de Montréal in 1981 where, among other roles, he was Director of the Research Group on Swine Infectious Diseases (GREMIP). He is a member of the Swine Infections Research Center (CRIP), and on several grant selection committees and scientific advisory boards. Throughout his career he has published over 100 scientific articles, has contributed numerous book chapters, and has submitted several patent applications.

Dr. Fairbrother is also a board member of Prevtec microbial, and chairs the Scientific Committee which advises management on research and development matters.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Healthy Animals, Healthy Canada (September 2011)
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