Jean-Paul Lacoursière

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, QC)

May 1, 2014

Jean-Paul Lacoursiere is a professional engineer with 46 years of experience in process industries. He exercises his expertise in risk management. He was associated with the work of the Major Accident Council of Canada (MIACC) which has developed tools for the management of risks associated with the handling of dangerous substances. He wrote a section of the national standard CAN/CSA Z-731 (Emergency Planning for Industry). He is a voting member of the CSA Z-276 Committee (Production, Storage and Handling of LNG). He has performed risk assessment projects in petroleum refining, petrochemicals, chlor & alkali, pulp and paper, light metals, mining, food, pipelines and transport industries, including consequences assessments for hazardous substances loss of containment and HAZID (Hazard Identification), HAZOP (Hazard and Operability), LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis) and QRA (Quantitative risk assessment) studies. He has prepared several emergency response plans.

Mr. Lacoursière was associated with the development of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act Environmental Emergency Regulation. He was a member of the task force that has rewritten the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guiding Principles on Chemical Accidents and the OECD Safety Performance Indicators. He was a member of INERIS (France Institut National de l’Environnement et des RISques) scientific advisory committee. He is member of AIChE Division 11A (Loss Prevention Symposium Committee), SACHE Committee and has chaired the AICHE 2009 Loss Prevention Symposium. He was also vice-chair of the PSM (Process Safety Symposium) held in August 2009 during the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineers. He also worked as an expert for the Quebec Hearing Board (BAPE) on shale gas.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Extraction (May 2014)
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