Halim Yanikomeroglu

Halim Yanikomeroglu, FCAE

Professor, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University (Ottawa, ON)

Halim Yanikomeroglu received his B.Sc. in electrical and electronics engineering from the Middle East Technical University in 1990, and an MA.Sc. in electrical engineering (now ECE), and a PhD in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Toronto, in 1992 and 1998, respectively.

Since 1998 he has been with the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, where he is now a Full Professor. His research interests cover many aspects of wireless communication systems and networks. He coauthored a number of peer-reviewed research papers published in the leading journals and international conferences. He has given numerous keynotes, tutorials, and seminars on wireless technologies. His collaborative research with industry resulted in 37 granted patents.

Dr. Yanikomeroglu is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He is a Distinguished Speaker for the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society on 5G/6G wireless technologies. He has been involved in the organization of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) since its inception in 1998 in various capacities, including serving as the Technical Program Chair of WCNC 2004 (Atlanta), WCNC 2008 (Las Vegas), and WCNC 2014 (Istanbul). He currently serves as the Chair of the WCNC Steering Committee. He was the General Chair of the IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference, and the General Chair of the IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference. He has served on the editorial boards of several IEEE journal and was the Chair of the IEEE’s Technical Committee on Personal Communications (now the Wireless Communications Technical Committee).

Dr. Yanikomeroglu received several awards for his research, teaching, and service, including the IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award in 2018 and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Stuart Meyer Memorial Award in 2020. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Waiting to Connect (October 2021)
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