George Oates

George Oates

Director, Good, Form & Spectacle (San Francisco, CA)

February 4, 2015

George Oates has been the Art Director at Stamen Design since 2012 and was appointed to a Research Associate position with the Smithsonian Institution Libraries in January of 2011. She has worked on and around the Web since 1996, mainly focused on the front-end side of things. Since mid-2007, she has been nurturing a specialization in the field of digital humanities. A renowned public speaker, Ms. Oates has spoken extensively to international audiences about web design, community management, curation, and digital humanities.

The work that Ms. Oates is proudest of to date includes writing web apps with a “human voice,” and The Commons on Flickr, a program she created to help public institutions like The Library of Congress and the Smithsonian share photographs from their collections with the Flickr community.

Her specialties include product and application design, interaction design, layout/visual design, online community development, copywriting/editing, creative direction, business analysis, requirements gathering, contextual inquiry, account management, client liaison, and business development.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Leading in the Digital World: Opportunities for Canada's Memory Institutions (February 2015)
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