Gary Kreps

Gary Kreps

University Distinguished Professor, Director, Center for Health and Risk Communication, George Mason University (Fairfax, VA)

June 9, 2015

Dr. Gary Kreps received his BA and his MA in Communication from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and his PhD from the University of Southern California. His areas of expertise include health communication and promotion, information dissemination, organizational communication, information technology, multicultural relations, risk/crisis management, health informatics, and applied research methods.

He is the Director of the Center for Health and Risk Communication, serves on the Governing Board of the Center for Social Science Research, and is a faculty affiliate of the National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases, the Center for Health Policy & Ethics, the Center for the Study of International Medical Policies and Practices, the Climate Change Communication Center, the Center for Consciousness & Transformation, and the Center for Health Information Technology, at George Mason.

Prior to his appointment at Mason, he served for five years as the founding Chief of the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch at the National Cancer Institute (NIH), where he planned, developed, and coordinated major new national research and outreach initiatives concerning risk communication, health promotion, behaviour change, technology development, and information dissemination to promote effective cancer prevention, screening, control, care, and survivorship. He has also served as the Founding Dean of the School of Communication at Hofstra University in New York, Executive Director of the Greenspun School of Communication at UNLV, and in faculty and administrative roles at Northern Illinois, Rutgers, Indiana, and Purdue universities.

His published work includes more than 350 books, articles, and monographs concerning the applications of communication knowledge in society.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Health Product Risk Communication: Is the Message Getting Through? (June 2015)
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