Eric Santor

Eric Santor

Advisor to the Governor, Bank of Canada (Ottawa, ON)

May 25, 2022

Eric Santor was appointed Advisor to the Governor on Digitalization on March 11, 2019. In this role, he leads the Bank’s digitalization work, including research into the impact of digitalization on the economy and financial system. Mr. Santor also leads the initiative to incorporate technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as big data, into the Bank’s operations. This involves leveraging programs such as Partnerships in Innovation and Technology (PIVOT) and the Bank’s relationship with the Creative Destruction Lab. Mr. Santor’s research has focused on issues related to the incidence and effects of unconventional monetary policy, the international monetary system and global financial architecture, and the impact of ownership structure on Canadian firms.

Role: Panel member
Report: Quantum Potential (2023)
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