Elicia Maine

Elicia Maine

W.J. VanDusen Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Associate Vice-President, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation, Simon Fraser University (Burnaby / Vancouver / Surrey, BC)

August 1, 2024

Elicia Maine is the W.J. VanDusen Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Beedie School of Business, and Associate Vice President, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation, at SFU. She is also the Founder and Academic Director for the award-winning Invention to Innovation (i2I) program, which develops entrepreneurial mindset in PhD scientists and engineers, while advancing commercialization strategy for university inventions.

Professor Maine has deep interdisciplinary roots, with degrees in materials engineering, English, technology and policy, and technology management from Queen’s, M.I.T., and the University of Cambridge. Her research, published in Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Research Policy, Technovation, and Journal of Cleaner Production, focuses on enabling science innovation in the advanced materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and clean tech sectors. She is a frequent and dynamic keynote speaker and panelist. She serves on the boards of directors of the Foresight Clean Tech Accelerator and Innovate BC, and on the awards committees of several translational grant programs. She is an active mentor to scientist-entrepreneurs.

As Associate Vice-President, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation to SFU’s VP Research and Innovation (VPRI), Professor Maine provides leadership, integration, and alignment for innovation initiatives across the university, through SFU Innovates. She supports excellence in research, innovation, and knowledge and was honoured as Top Educator in the 2021 BC Cleantech Awards, and with the 2022 Trailblazer Award in Innovation Policy by CSPC.


Role: Panel Member
Report: The State of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Canada
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