Douglas Hyde

Executive Director, NatureServe Canada (Ottawa, ON)

November 18, 2010

Doug Hyde is the Executive Director of NatureServe Canada. Prior to joining NatureServe Canada, he worked for Environment Canada where he served as Co-Chair of Canada’s National Recovery Working Group under the RENEW (Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife in Canada) program, and as chair of the federal government’s Interdepartmental Policy Committee on implementation of the Species at Risk Act (SARA). Additionally, Mr. Hyde oversaw the Recovery Information Management System, a web-based system to track the development of more than 350 recovery strategies for species at risk, during his time as Environment Canada’s Chief of Recovery. As the former National Coordinator of Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, he was responsible for managing $10 million annually to support more than 150 conservation projects across Canada, for which he developed a web-based project management system.

Mr. Hyde has also been involved in a number of other projects over the years, including creating the first edition of the Canadian Biodiversity Information Network (CBIN), facilitating discussions regarding the North American Biodiversity Information Network, and creating a web-based
registry under the Canadian Endangered Species Protection Act, a precursor to SARA’s public registry. For the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, he helped to establish the North American Bird Conservation Initiative and has supported the North American Marine Protected Areas Network.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Canadian Taxonomy: Exploring Biodiversity, Creating Opportunity (November 2010)
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