Denise Young

Denise Young

Professor of Economics, University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB)

October 16, 2014

Denise Young is a Professor of Economics at the University of Alberta. From 2004 to 2011, she was Associate Director of the Canadian Building Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre (CBEEDAC). Before joining the Department of Economics at the University of Alberta in 1989, Dr. Young spent one year as a Lecturer at Trent University.

Dr. Young’s research interests are in applied econometrics, and she has published papers in the areas of resource economics, the adoption of energy-saving technologies, economic history, and urban economics. In addition to publications in a variety of economics journals, she has authored or co-authored over 20 reports for a variety of agencies including Natural Resources Canada, Alberta Energy, and the Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board.

Dr. Young received her BA in Economics and French and her MA in Economics from McMaster University, and completed her PhD at the University of Toronto.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Energy Prices and Business Decision-Making in Canada: Preparing for the Energy Future (October 2014)
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