Dawn Sutherland

Dawn Sutherland

Canada Research Chair in Science Education in Cultural Contexts, University of Winnipeg (Winnipeg, MB)

August 28, 2014

Dawn Sutherland is a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Science Education in Cultural Contexts and a Professor in Education at the University of Winnipeg.

Dr. Sutherland’s research focuses on examining key factors that influence science education for children in indigenous and inner-city settings, including culture, language, the knowledge of elders and learning by experience. Dr. Sutherland is also collaborating with colleagues from around the world to explore the relationship between cultural presentations of science and identity. Her research seeks to create understanding of how children imagine science and contribute to more culturally relevant way of teaching the subject.

Dr. Sutherland has worked as a lecturer in a post-secondary Access program for non-traditional students as the Director of Continuing Education for the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources and as a science methods educator. Each of these experiences has re-affirmed her commitment to the development of educational programming that includes decision-making and community involvement.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Science Culture: Where Canada Stands (August 2014)
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