Dave McGee

Dave McGee

Senior Policy and Implementation Manager, Alberta Environment (Lethbridge, AB)

February 26, 2013

Dave McGee is the Senior Policy and Implementation Manager in Southern Region of Alberta.

Mr. McGee has been a water manager for 30 years. Throughout his career he has focused on managing risk in water shortages, worked with many communities to survive droughts, negotiated water allocations for First Nations, and recently represented Alberta on a Task Force convened by the International Joint Commission.

As the District Approvals Manager for Alberta Environment in Lethbridge, Alberta, he managed the implementation of the first water rights transfer system in Canada, which includes the watersheds of the Bow, Oldman, and South Saskatchewan Rivers.

Mr. McGee created the statutory concept and procedures that enables water rights sharing agreements and managed the 2001 Southern Alberta Water Sharing Agreement, the Sharing Group was the recipient of a National Water and Energy Conservation Award awarded by the American Irrigation Association.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Water and Agriculture in Canada: Towards Sustainable Management of Water Resources (February 2013)
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