C. Colleen Cook

C. Colleen Cook

Trenholme Dean of Libraries, McGill University Library (Montreal, QC)

February 4, 2015

C. Colleen Cook is a member of the McGill Senate and currently serves on numerous committees including the McGill Learning Management Steering Committee and the Audit and Finance Committee of McGill-Queen’s University Press. Prior to joining McGill in January 2011, Dr. Cook was the Dean of Libraries and holder of the Sterling C. Evans Endowed Chair at Texas A&M University.

Dr. Cook is presently a member of the Working Group on Fair Use for the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) Committee on Scholarly Communication. She also serves as CARL’s representative on IFLA’s Committee on Copyright and Legal Matters. Dr. Cook helped to develop and promote LibQUAL+® Steering Committees and the American Library Association (ALA) Committee on Research and Statistics. She earned her PhD in Higher Education Administration at Texas A&M University and holds BA and MLS degrees from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA from Texas A&M University.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Leading in the Digital World: Opportunities for Canada's Memory Institutions (February 2015)
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