Brian  L. Mishara

Brian L. Mishara

Director, Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide, Ethical Issues, and End-of-Life Practices (CRISE), Université du Québec à Montréal (Montréal, QC)

April 27, 2017

Brian Mishara is the Founder of the Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide and Euthanasia (CRISE) and served as the Director from 1996 to 2016. He is Professor in the Psychology Department at the Université du Québec à Montréal and is Vice-chairperson of the Trustees of the helpline network, Befrienders Worldwide. Internationally renowned researcher in the field of suicidology, Brian Mishara has written 12 books in English and French on ageing and suicide, and has published over 150 scientific articles and book chapters on the topics of suicide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. His research focuses on the effectiveness of suicide prevention programmes, ethical issues in suicidology and medical assistance in dying, how children understand suicide, theories of suicidality, understanding requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide, and evaluations of helpline and internet prevention activities. A founder of Suicide Action Montréal, the Montréal suicide prevention centre, and the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention, he is a past president of the International Association for Suicide Prevention and the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. He consults and conducts suicide prevention training internationally and was the recipient of the Bora Laskin Canadian National Fellowship on Human Rights Research for his work on human rights issues regarding the involvement of physicians and family members in assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Medical Assistance in Dying (December 2018)
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