Anthony Heyes

Anthony Heyes

Professor of Economics and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Economics, University of Ottawa (Ottawa, ON)

June 17, 2014

Dr. Anthony Heyes is a Professor and Chairholder in Environmental Economics at the University of Ottawa. He has a PhD from McGill University and is an environmental economist with wide-ranging interests in environmental policy.

His recent research has focused on instrument design, behavioral economics applied to environmental problems, incentives for green innovation, enforcement, and the economic analysis of environmental law.

Dr. Heyes is Associate Editor of Environmental & Resource Economics and has been on the editorial boards of various journals, including the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and the Journal of Regulatory Economics. He is or has been a Fellow of ENCORE, University of Amsterdam, Nuffield College, Oxford, and Fellow at the University of Wellington, a Senior Research Fellow at UCL, and a CARR Fellow at the LSE.

Outside academia, Dr. Heyes has been a member of the Advisory Panel of the HM Department of Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) since 1999 and has provided advice or training to many parts of the UK government including (HM Treasury, Home Office, Ministry of Justice, the Cabinet Office, etc.) the OECD, European Commission and private sector.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Enabling Sustainability in an Interconnected World (June 2014)
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