Allan Freeze

Allan Freeze, FRSC

Former Professor and Director, Geological Engineering Program, University of British Columbia (Surrey, BC)

May 11, 2009

Allan Freeze is Former Professor and Director of the Geological Engineering Program at the University of British Columbia.

Dr. Freeze began his career working as a field hydrologist in the Canadian provinces and has developed a reputation as an expert in the numerical analysis of regional groundwater flow. He has authored of over 100 technical and scientific publications covering a wide spectrum of topics including mapping groundwater systems; 2-D and 3-D modeling of regional flow; rainfall-runoff theory and streamflow generation; deep-well injection of waste; nuclear-waste disposal and waste management; stochastic analysis of subsurface flow; geotechnical studies of consolidation, land subsidence, slope stability, and damsite seepage; groundwater in mountainous terrains; Pb-Zn ore formation in sedimentary basins; hydrogeological decision analysis; risk assessment and data worth and; the history of science.

As a result of these publications, Dr. Freeze has received awards from several organizations including the Geological Society of America; the American Geophysical Union; the Royal Society of Canada; the Canadian Geotechnical Society; the American Institute of Hydrology; the National Ground Water Association and most recently; an honourary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Waterloo.

Dr. Freeze received his Bachelor of Science (1961) from Queen’s University, his Master of Science (1964) and his PhD (1996) from Berkeley, California.

Role: Panel Member
Report: The Sustainable Management of Groundwater in Canada (May 2009)
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