Agnès  Saint-Raymond

Agnès Saint-Raymond

Head of Human Medicines and Special Areas, European Medicines Agency (London, United Kingdom)

September 18, 2014

Agnes Saint-Raymond is the Head of the Sector for Special Areas in the Unit for the Human Medicines Development and Evaluation Unit at the European Medicines Agency. The Sector for Special Areas includes Pediatric Medicines, Orphan Medicines, Scientific Advice, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Office, and Scientific Support and Projects.

Dr. Saint-Raymond obtained her MD from Lariboisiere-St Louis University in Paris. She became a pediatrician in 1987 and worked as Chef de Clinique in Pediatrics in Necker-Enfants-Malades Hospital in Paris, with special interest in pediatric gastro-enterology, rheumatology and cystic fibrosis. She spent five years in pharmaceutical companies, then joined the French Medicines Agency as Head of a Pharmaco-Toxico-Clinical Assessment Unit in 1995. In 2000, she joined the European Medicines Agency (EMA), a decentralized Agency of the European Union, working with the network of National Regulatory Agencies in Europe.

Dr. Saint-Raymond was responsible for the implementation of the European Pediatric Regulation, a new legal framework of the European Union, which mandates development of medicines, including age-appropriate formulations, for children from birth to adulthood wherever there is benefit or unmet pediatric needs. She is also the Chair of the World Health Organization’s Paediatric Medicines Regulators’ Network (PmRN). She is a member of the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Improving Medicines for Children in Canada (September 2014)
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