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Expert Panels at Work

The Potential Socio-economic Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance in Canada

The report will be released on November 12, just ahead of Antibiotic Awareness Week.

On November 14, a panel of international experts will discuss the findings from our report and what steps can be taken to reduce the impact of rising resistance rates around the world. The session is part of the 2019 Gairdner Symposium taking place at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. You can register here to attend the event in person, or here to watch the livestream.

The Labour Market Transition of PhD Graduates

The Panel held its second meeting over the summer, where they heard from invited speakers from private industry for their perspectives on hiring PhD graduates. At the third meeting in October, the Panel discussed a draft of the report and considered new research related to PhDs in the labour market in Canada. The fourth panel meeting will take place in January.

Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility

The Panel met for the second time in September. They reviewed the research material and established an outline for the first draft of the report. Panel meeting three is scheduled for early December.

Somatic Gene and Engineered Cell Therapies

The five-member Panel, chaired by Janet Rossant, met for the first time in October. As with all initial panel meetings, members familiarized themselves with the charge and discussed scope. The Panel will address the following question: What are the key legal/regulatory, ethical, social, and policy challenges specific to the approval and use of somatic gene and engineered cell therapies in Canada?

The Panel’s work will be informed by a workshop, planned for late November, which will allow for input from a wider and diverse group of 15 to 20 experts. Workshop participants will consider key challenges specific to the approval and use of somatic gene and engineered cell therapies in Canada, identify challenges related to affordability and accessibility of these therapies, and explore promising approaches to overcoming these challenges. The final report is scheduled for release in fall 2020.

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