Report Update

Expert Panels at Work

Policing in Indigenous Communities

The Expert Panel signed off on the report in late December. The report, is now in production and will be released this spring. You can pre-order a copy on our website.

The State of Knowledge and Practice of Integrated Approaches to Natural Resource Management (INRM) in Canada

The Expert Panel signed off on the report in late December and it recently entered production. You can pre-order a copy of the report on our website. The report is scheduled for a spring release.

Prioritizing Climate Change Risks

The Expert Panel on Climate Change Risks met via teleconference on November 15, 2018 to continue to develop out the report structure and content. They met again in January 2019 to confirm the readiness of the draft for peer review. The report is now in peer review and is expected to be released later this year.

Leading Practices for Evaluating Proposals for Science and Technology Infrastructure Investments

We’ve been asked by Public Services and Procurement Canada to examine what is known about leading practices for evaluating proposals for science and technology infrastructure investments. A multidisciplinary and multisectoral Expert Panel has been appointed: Wendy Watson-Wright (Chair), Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Frontier Institute; Axel Guenther, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto; Jennifer MacLean, Director, Collaboration, NGen – Next Generation Manufacturing Canada; John Womersley, Director General, European Spallation Source.

The Expert Panel will hold its first meeting February 12 to 13, 2019 in Ottawa. The final report will be released this year.

The Potential Socio-economic Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance in Canada

The Expert Panel met for the fourth time in Toronto from January 15 to 16, 2019. The Panel provided feedback on the full draft of the report, came to an agreement on the narrative, and discussed the socio-economic model results. The final panel meeting will be held in April in Ottawa. The report is expected to be released in fall 2019.

The Labour Market Transition of PhD Graduates

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, has asked us to undertake an assessment on the challenges that PhD graduates in Canada face upon completing their studies and transitioning into the labour market. A multidisciplinary and multisectoral Expert Panel will be appointed in the coming months. The final report will be released in 2020.

Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada has also asked us to examine the current trends affecting the evolution of connected and automated vehicle technologies and shared mobility, and the impacts, opportunities, and challenges they present for Canadian industry, governments, and Canadians. A multidisciplinary and multisectoral Expert Panel will be appointed in the coming months. The final report will be released in 2020.

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