News Release

CCA Launches New Project on the Labour Market Transition of PhD Graduates

The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) is pleased to announce that it has been asked by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, to examine the challenges that PhD graduates in Canada face upon completing their studies and transitioning into the labour market.

Canada has a growing supply of PhD graduates in its economy, but evidence suggests that more could be done to support the transition of these highly skilled individuals into the labour market, in both academic and non-academic sectors. This assessment will take into account how the challenges faced by PhD graduates may differ by field of study, as well as their motivations to migrate in and out of Canada after completing their degree.


“We look forward to the Expert Panel developing a comprehensive portrait of the experiences of PhD graduates in Canada. It’s our hope that a better understanding of the challenges facing these graduates as they transition into the labour market will contribute to the policy discussion on this important topic for our country.”

– Eric M. Meslin, PhD, FCAHS, President and CEO, Council of Canadian Academies

Additional Information

  • A multidisciplinary and multisectoral Expert Panel will be appointed in the coming months.
  • The final report will be released in 2020.
  • More information about this project and the complete charge, can be found here.


Kelly Loverock
Website and Communications Specialist
Council of Canadian Academies
613.567.5000 x 266

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