News Release

CCA Launches New Project on Regenerative Medicine

The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) is pleased to announce that it has been asked by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) and Health Canada to undertake an expert panel workshop to characterize the state of regenerative medicine in Canada.

The following questions will guide the facilitated workshop:

  • What are Canada’s strengths in regenerative medicine (and why are they strengths)
  • Given these strengths, what are the opportunities that exist and barriers that must be overcome for Canada to ensure that it can excel in regenerative medicine in the international arena? 

“We are very pleased to receive this request from the government” said Eric M. Meslin, PhD, FCAHS, President and CEO of the Council of Canadian Academies. “Canada is a global leader in regenerative medicine and we look forward to contributing to the evidence base for making decisions about how this country can continue to excel in this incredibly important field of medicine.”

Many disease treatments manage the symptoms of a condition, but fail to treat its underlying causes. The appeal of regenerative medicine lies in its curative approach. It replaces or regenerates human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establish normal function using stem cells. A well-established example is the use of bone marrow transplants for leukemia. Regenerative medicine has the potential to transform healthcare by treating previously incurable chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and immunodeficiency disorders.

The CCA’s workshop will bring together experts from a variety of disciplines and sectors to offer insight into the state of regenerative medicine in Canada, and identify opportunities and challenges to ensure future Canadian excellence.

To lead the development of the workshop and complete the necessary background research, the CCA has appointed a four-member Steering Committee, chaired by Dr. Janet Rossant, FRSC, President & Scientific Director, Gairdner Foundation. Other steering committee members are Dr. Tania Bubela, Professor, School of Public Health, University of Alberta; Dr. Allen Eaves, O.B.C., President & CEO of STEMCELL Technologies; and Dr. Michael Rudnicki, O.C., FRSC, Senior Scientist & Director, Regenerative Medicine Program and Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and CEO and Scientific Director, Stem Cell Network

The CCA, under the guidance of its Scientific Advisory Committee, and in collaboration with the Steering Committee, is now assembling a multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral, group of experts to participate in the two-day workshop. The workshop is expected to take place in October 2016, and the results will be published in a workshop report in early 2017.

To learn more about this, and the CCA’s other active assessments, visit Assessments in Progress.


About the Council of Canadian Academies

The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that began operation in 2005. The CCA undertakes independent, authoritative, evidence-based expert assessments that inform public policy development in Canada. Assessments are conducted by independent, multidisciplinary panels of experts from across Canada and abroad. Panel members serve free of charge and many are Fellows of the CCA’s Member Academies. For more information about the CCA or its assessments, please visit

For more information please contact:

Samantha Rae Ayoub
Communications and Publishing Director
Council of Canadian Academies
613.567.5000 x 256

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