News Release

CCA Launches New Project on Business Schools

The Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) is pleased to announce that it has been asked by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to undertake an expert panel workshop on learning experiences offered by business schools. The main goal of the workshop is to develop an evidence base on how to best teach innovation management skills. The focal point will be the teaching practices offered by business schools, both in Canada and internationally, and how this corresponds to the demand for innovation management skills in the private sector.

“We are pleased to receive this project as it aligns well with other CCA assessments on Canadian business innovation,” said Eric M. Meslin, PhD, FCAHS, President and CEO of the CCA. “Innovation management skills are essential to business strategy and a key driver of innovation. We look forward to expanding the evidence base in this area.”

The CCA, under the guidance of its Scientific Advisory Committee and Board of Governors, will appoint a Workshop Steering Committee to complete the necessary background research in advance of the workshop. Following the establishment of the Steering Committee, the CCA will assemble a multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral, group of experts to participate in the two day workshop. The CCA’s Member Academies — the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences — will also provide key guidance and input throughout the workshop process, including participant nominations and dissemination processes.

The workshop is expected to take place in May 2017 and the results will be published in a final summary report in late 2017.

More information about this project and the complete charge, can be found here.

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