News Release

Canadian Science and Technology is Healthy and Growing, says Expert Panel

An authoritative, evidence-based assessment of the state of science and technology in Canada has found that Canadian science and technology is healthy and growing in both output and impact. Over the past five years, real improvements have occurred in the magnitude and quality of Canadian science and technology.

A newly released report by the Council of Canadian Academies entitled, The State of Science and Technology in Canada, 2012 provides a thorough analysis of the scientific disciplines and technological applications where Canada excels in a global context. In 2010, Industry Canada via the Minister of Industry, asked the Council of Canadian Academies to assess the state of science and technology in Canada and to consider all fields in which research is conducted As such, the Council assembled an 18-member expert panel from Canada and around the world to conduct this in-depth assessment. In particular, the panel focused on research performed in the higher education sector, as well as in the not-for-profit and government sectors.

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