News Release

CCA to examine the evolving role of public meteorological services in a changing world

Weather systems, and the technologies for observing and forecasting them, are rapidly and significantly changing, while people are accessing and engaging with meteorological information in new and different ways. Advancements in sensing and monitoring are improving data collection and processing, and AI and machine learning are enabling faster and more precise projections, at a time when accuracy and speed are critical to meeting the challenge of more frequent and dangerous extreme weather events.

This shifting landscape presents opportunities and challenges for public meteorological services, which in Canada also provide critical information to inform, among other things, emergency preparedness and response.

At the request of the Meteorological Service of Canada, the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) will assess how the essential functions of Canada’s public meteorological service are changing in the context of climate change and technological advances. This assessment will examine the role of the public sector in meteorological and hydrological monitoring and forecasting and provide insights about how to navigate this transformative time while continuing to serve the public interest.

An expert panel will be appointed in the coming weeks and the report is expected to be published in summer 2025.

Sponsor: Environment and Climate Change Canada

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